This website is owned and maintained by Long Story Short

LSS, a writer's ezine, published its first story in July of 2003 under the editorial eyes of Denise Cassino, Linda Barnett-Johnson and Amy Pacini. Their goal was simple: to create an ezine that would publish the best fiction and poetry from both emerging and established writers. But time changes all things, and while Amy remains at LSS as Poetry Editor, February 2015 saw the prose torch passed to new editors Anisa Claire and Kim Bussey.
The goal of LSS to publish entertaining stories and poetry remains the same. But while we’re currently still a non-paying ezine, one of our long-term goals is to find the funds to pay our contributors. We will also be including non-fiction articles and tips on a broad range of subjects: developing story ideas, editing, formatting ebooks, building an author’s platform, marketing, interviews with successful authors and many other topics.
We wish Denise and Linda much success with their new endeavors and hope you all continue to enjoy reading LSS.
Kim Bussey
Kim Bussey was born and raised in Ohio, which makes her a confirmed Buckeye and hard to reach during an OSU football game. The eldest in our family of editors, she won’t confess to any dates regarding college graduation or number of years spent as an editor or writer, but she has taught courses in flash fiction, self-editing, and social media promotion. She will admit to having a passion for all genres of flash and often recommends to her editing clients to practice micro-flash as a means of keeping their own editing skills sharp. Kim’s stories have been published in numerous print and on-line magazines. She’s currently working on her first novel.
Anisa Claire
Anisa Claire has been conjuring stories since she learned to put words together to form sentences. Whether growing up in central B.C., Canada, or sharing the joy of current life in the Vancouver area with her husband, Anisa has always scoured the internet for information and communities to improve her skills as an author. This need to help not only herself but other writers lead Anisa to create Writer’s Carnival, an online community for writers, and its sister site, Reader's Carnival, a site for avid readers. Reader's Carnival is a paying magazine that publishes the works of Writer's Carnival members and is in print as well as online.
Have you ever written a story you just loved but for some reason no one wants to publish? That’s the point of our new column: Help, I Don’t See The Problem!
For this column we need some brave writers who aren’t afraid to let us edit their story publicly in the pages of LSS, much like what is done with query letters over at QueryShark. This public critique won’t just go into punctuation or grammar problems but will be more like a substantive edit for short stories. In this way we will be able to help many of our writers/readers at once rather than just a few in private. The author will have a choice in whether they want their real name published with their story, or be listed under a pen name. If you’re interested in submitting to this column, include the word HELP in the subject line of your email followed by the title of your story.
Only Writers Get It is something else we want to try. Writers need a little humor to break up their day of slaving over a hot keyboard, or a cold one if you’re suffering from writer’s block. Unfortunately, sometimes only another writer can appreciated that humor. Take the day I came out of my home office, flung my arms into the air and declared to my family that a coyote was taking over my story and demanding equal time with the human characters. My family just stared at me, but other writers would get it! If you have some little gems like these you want to share, put GET IT in your subject line.
Check our Submissions page for detailed information on submitting stories, poems or items for these columns.